Friday, January 29, 2021

Feedback - Friday 29th January - FLIC and Maths

Hello everyone
Happy Friday πŸ₯³

Wow! What an amazing week you have all had. 

I've been so impressed by the effort you've all put in and the standard of work you have all produced. 

EVERYONE got full marks on the Roman numerals plantation task. Well done!

Everyone did super in the 7 times table fill in the blanks activity. Especially these children:

Great effort again for the multiples activity. 
  • Remember: when you are asked to find multiples of more than one number, if the number can be divided without a remainder, it is a multiple.
Well done to Kasey who successfully identified the multiples of 6, 9 and both 6 and 9!

Finally, great work from everyone who tackled the multi-digit multiplication sums. It's clear to see you've been paying close attention during these lessons!
A big high five to Maisey Mills, Arsh, Ibraheem, and Zainab R for getting top marks in the multiplication quiz.

I'll say it again, you've all worked super hard this week - you should be very proud of yourselves. High-fives all round ✋🏽

Have a great weekend, and stay safe.

Miss. Leech πŸ€“

Music and Spelling and Handwriting

 I have been so impressed with you music input today. I often find it easier to organise my ideas about something new if I have the opportunity to share my ideas with other people. Lots of you tackled the open ended question with great confidence and you were able to show me your understanding of musical vocabulary despite not being able to collaborate with your friends - Well done!

Here are some of the comments I particularly liked:

Arsh you justified your reasons for not liking either piece and Aaliyah you recognised how the changes in the music made you change how you were feeling - Brilliant.

Lots of you did really well in the other activities:


5/5 – Grace, Nathan

Matching Pairs

5 correct out of 5 tries – Aalyiah, Khadija, Nathan, Zahara

5 correct out of 6 tries -  Abdul Ghaffer, Aqib, Chloe, Fatima Tariq, Mustafa

Fill in the Blanks 10/10

Arsh, Fatima Tariq, Nathan, Zunairah

100% Participation

Aaliyah, Fatima Tariq, Maisey W, Mariam, Neveah, Zahara, Nathan, Abdul Ghaffer, Aqib

A fabulous effort from everyone and I'm now on the hunt for some more exciting music.

Lots of you got involved in the spelling and handwriting, demonstrating that you have still got those skills. 


4/4 Abdul Ghaffer, Aidan, Aimee, Amina Iqbal, Aqib, Arsh, Ayesha, Kasey, Mariam, Maisey, Nathan, Olivia, Yusuf Adnan, Zahara, Muhammed Junaid

Matching Pairs

10 correct in 10 tries – Aaliyah, Amina

10 correct in 11 tries - Abdul Ghaffer, Aimee, Arsh, Khadija, Maisey.M, Moeez, Shahd, Wajeeha, Yusef

100% Participation

Abdul Ghaffer, Aimee, Amina Iqbal, Arsh, Ayesha, Chloe, Grace, Haroon, Ibraheem, Kasey, Kashif, Khadija, Mariam, Moeez, Nathan, Roselyn, Shahd, Yusuf, Zahara, Muhammed Junaid

You all continue to amaze me will your resilience and ability to adapt to this new way of working.

Now time to relax and enjoy the weekend after all your hard work.

Take care Ms CarneyπŸ‘

Music Code

There seems to be a problem with the music code for today.

Give this one a go...


Spelling, Handwriting and Music

 Spelling and Handwriting - BED9F

Music - A5ZB9

Friday is here and as ever we are doing some spelling and handwriting, ensuring all those skills that we have developed over our time at school stay strong, ready for your return...

Any examples of handwriting can be emailed to your class teacher and I will share them on our blog.

We also have some beautiful classical music to listen to...enjoy the music and be transported to another place (even if it is a cold one). Have a go at comparing the two pieces of classical music we have listened to over the past 2 weeks. I look forward to receiving your thoughts.

Here are the links in case they don't work in the Nearpod presentations.

Spelling - Homophones 



Enjoy your weekend and we will be in touch again next week.

Take care everyone.

Friday 29th January - FLIC and Maths

Hello everyone!

Happy Friday πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Below is the code to access today's FLIC and Maths lesson:


Well done everyone - now you're all multi-digit multiplication magicians πŸ†’
Today we are going to revisit all of the multi-digit multiplication methods we have learnt this week!

As always, the lesson includes explanation and example slides, followed by lots of fun activities for you to do.

  • You can listen to the explanation and example slides as many times as you want.
  • There's no time limit so don't rush.
  • Have a go at every activity - you may surprise yourself.

What an amazing week you have all had - you should all be extremely proud of how hard you have worked 😎

Have a fantastic weekend, and stay safe.
Miss. Leech πŸ€“

Thursday, January 28, 2021

GASPS feedback

 Good afternoon grammar experts,

 Another fantastic day for the near pod lessons with 45 children accessing and completing the grammar lesson today. I hope you didn't find parenthesis too difficult as it is definitely something we have looked at before. 

Well done to all of the children who completed 100% of the lesson too, that means they completed all of the activities set, even if you didn't get everything correct. Those children are:-

Aaliyah, Abdul-Ghaffar, Amina, Arsh, Chloe H, Haroon, Ibrahim, Kasey, Kashif, Khadija, Moeez, Muhammad Junaid, Ayan E, Nathan, Roselyn, Sameeha, Shahd, Suleman and Zahara. All we ask is you go everything a go so that is fantastic effort children - well done!!

It is the first time I have ever done a collaboration board children and I was thrilled with your responses. Here is what the board looks like currently...

I'm so thrilled with your responses and all exciting parenthesis added in - well done! 

Well done to Ethan, Mustafa and Nevaeh for having a go at inserting brackets in the correct place. It wasn't easy and we all found that challenging but you three tried really hard.

Jake, Sameeha, Yusuf A and Suleman - well done for correctly identifying which sentences used parenthesis correctly. You obviously found it tricky at first and then got the hang of it - I'm proud of your perseverance. 

Your art work has also been fantastic today (see last post for detailed feedback) I've included Chloe H and Nathan's work below as those were the ones that were sent to me. Please feel free to send any more work you do through.

Well done to every single pupil who logged on to the blog and near pod today and did something!! You are brilliant and we love to see your learning.

Stay safe and keep up the hard work,

Mrs Johnson πŸ‘©

Art Feedback - 28.01.21

 Hello artists!

Well done on all of your hard work in art today - you are all on your way to becoming expert wallpaper designers!

A huge well done to:

Aaliyah, Amelia, Arsh, Chloe H, Faizan A, Fatima T, Iman, Khadija, Maisey Mills, Mariam, Moeez, Mustafa, Nathan, Yusuf Amin and Zahara.

So far today, these children have completed 100% of all the art activities. Well done!

I loved these responses from Zahara, Maisey Mills, Maisey Wass, Mariam and Aaliyah:

What brilliant responses and ways to use your mood board when creating your wallpaper!

There was also a brilliant response to the quiz questions, with lots of you doing so well in the quiz - especially the question about the colours used in Victorian wallpapers.

Thank you for all of your pictures of art work you have sent over - look out for some of these on other blog posts!

Keep up all the super art work! 🎨

Feedback - FLIC and Maths Thursday 28th January

Hello everyone 🀩
Another fantastic effort from everyone today!

WOW! Full marks across the board for the Pompeii's Purse activity πŸ₯³

Great work from Aidan, Ayesha and Natha who got 100% on the 4 x 1 multiplication quiz!

Fantastic effort to everyone who completed the 2-3 challenge and correctly calculated that David would need 623,968 bricks!

  • Remember, when we are looking for multiples of more than one number, it has to be a multiple of both the numbers.
  • Multiples of both 5 and 10 are: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60...
  • 25 should not be circled because it's not a multiple of 10.
  • Multiples of bother 4 and 12 are: 12, 24, 36, 48...
  • 4 should not be circled because it's not a multiple of 12.
  • Please take your time with these questions and ask yourself: can I divide this number and not get a reminder?

Tomorrow we will be using all the new skills we have learnt throughout the week to become multiplication magicians πŸ†’

Miss.Leech πŸ€“

Thursday 28th January

Good morning UKS2 and happy Thursday🌺 

Well done children - it's nearly Friday and you are doing a fantastic job of motivating your selves to keep up with all of your work. Also, can I say a big thank you to all parents, carers, grandparents and siblings who are doing an amazing job of supporting the children with their work. We couldn't do it without you so thank you.

Today, we have maths, GASPs and Art. We really hope you enjoy the lessons and have a go at all of the activities we have prepared for you even if they are challenging and you don't get them right. Just have a go! 

We love to see all of your work and activities and try to mention as many children as possible in our feedback towards the end of the day. Sorry if we miss any children but sometimes you complete the lessons after we have given the feedback. This is absolutely fine as we know some children are waiting for devices. Don't worry we see all of your work and are so thrilled with every child who is logging on. Well done everyone!!

Here are the codes for today:


Art - 6ZBWM

Maths - AQYHN

Have a lovely day and I can't wait to see your work,

Mrs Johnson

Thursday 28th January - FLIC and Maths

Hello everyone!

I hope you're doing well and keeping safe πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Below is the code to access today's FLIC and Maths lesson:


We are learning our last multi-digit multiplication method πŸ†’
Today we are multiplying four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers, so get your place value charts at the ready!

As always, the lesson includes explanation and example slides, followed by lots of fun activities for you to do.

  • You can listen to the explanation and example slides as many times as you want.
  • There's no time limit so don't rush.
  • Have a go at every activity - you may surprise yourself.

You're all doing great on this new topic, and if you have any questions we are here to help!

Have a great day!
Miss. Leech πŸ€“

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Writing Fedback

Well done to everyone who has had a look at the Nearpod Writing Presentation. There was some great information on there to help you with your diary writing. 

We have already received some gorgeous examples of writing from children at home, so I thought I would create a little gallery to help you with ideas.

Grace Y6 - You've used lots of emotive language and described different senses. I can really imagine life in the workhouse.

Muhammad Junaid Y5/6 I really like your 2 A sentence to describe the master and how you've used historical knowledge to add detail to your diary

Nathan Y5/6 -  Some more fabulous writing. I like your use of the words miserable and exhausted to describe the feelings of the diary writer.

Chloe Y5 - Fabulous writing. I like how you've used the word stormed to describe the master and how you describe Mavis as terrified and exhausted. I can really imagine life in the workhouse.

Well done to all the writers, a PB from me on your return to school. 

And we can't wait to read more of your writing.

Ms Carney

Feedback Science

Well you all know how much I love science, so it's been an absolute pleasure to see all your fabulous work. I continue to be so proud of you all and your ability to still produce high quality work despite not being in school. Here's a little feedback from today's lesson:

These children got all the Matching Pairs correct:

Aidan, Amiee, Abdul Manan, Ahmed Raza, Aqib, Arsh, Grace, Iman, Maisey M, Maisey W, Mariam, Moeez, Shahd, Muhammad Junaid

And these got 3/3 on their first attempt:

3/3 Aimee, Amelia,Aqib, Fatima Hamid, Nathan, Roselyn

These children got full marks on the Fill in the Blanks activity:

Amiee,  Ahmed Raza, Shahd, Aqib, Grace,Amina, Arsh, Chloe, Ethan, Fatima,  Kasey, Mariam, Moeez, Muhammed Junaid, Nathan, Roselyn

As ever we feel it is really important to recognise those children who completed all the activities.  It's really hard to tackle tricky question without the help of friends or teachers, so well done to these children for preserving:

Aimee, Arsh, Grace, Shahd, Roselyn, Nathan, Muhammed Junaid, Kashif, Kasey, Fatima Hamid, Amina, Aaliyah

And well done to Nathan for getting 100% across the board

Shahd – You wanted some feedback on the labeling activity. Here is a lovely example by Zahara.

I also really enjoyed reading your answers to the 'Odd One Out' activity. There was lots of differing opinion and you used the key vocabulary well to justify your answers. I particularly liked Nathan and Shahd's responses. 

Keep up the good work everyone x

Feedback - Wednesday 27th January - FLIC and Maths

Hello everyone 😎

I hope you're all doing well and keeping safe. 

Another amazing day on NearPod today πŸ₯³

Today's Time to Climb leaders are:

Great work from Aidan and Nathan for getting full marks on the Roman numerals fill in the blanks!

Fantastic effort from Ayaan. M, Maisy. W, Iman and Aqib for getting full marks on the 3 x 1 multiplication questions.

  • For the multiples work, the multiples of 4, 8 AND 12 are 24, 48, 72. This is because the numbers have to be multiples of ALL of the numbers (4, 8 and 12). 
  • For example, 8 should not be circled because it can't be divided by 12 without a remainder. 60 should not be circled because it can't be divided by 8 without a remainder.
  • There are similar questions tomorrow, so please read the question carefully. If it asks you to identify multiples of more than one number, you need to make sure the numbers you circle can be divided by both the numbers without remainders.  
  • It can get a little tricky, so just take your time with it.

You're all working super hard and I've been so impressed by your standard of work - keep it up!

Miss. Leech πŸ€“


Wednesday 27th January - Writing and Science

 Hello Everyone,

It's Ms Carney here... I first want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your fabulous work.  Your ability to be self motivated during these difficult times has really impressed me. You have shown me your skills of perseverance and resilience. I am so proud. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see you all, but in the meantime here are a couple of codes to keep you busy today.
We look forward to reading your writing.

Writing - ZU3G7

Science - MZQCX

Remember, Maths too - I32YU

Wednesday 27th January - FLIC and Maths

Hello everyone!

I hope you're doing well and keeping safe πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Below is the code to access today's FLIC and Maths lesson:

We are half-way there through our multi-digit multiplication lessons πŸ†’
Today we are multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers, so get your place value charts at the ready!

As always, the lesson includes explanation and example slides, followed by lots of fun activities for you to do.

  • You can listen to the explanation and example slides as many times as you want.
  • There's no time limit so don't rush.
  • Have a go at every activity - you may surprise yourself.

I hope you're enjoy the new maths skills you're learning, and if you have any questions we are here to help!

Have a great day!
Miss. Leech πŸ€“

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

GASPS and History Feedback

 Good afternoon all and well done to all of the children who have accessed and completed the Pronouns and homophones GASP session today!

Aaliyah, Arsh, Grace, Mariam, Roselyn and Nathan had a go at all of the activities. Even if they didn’t get everything right, they had a go at each activity so I am really pleased with the effort and perseverance.

Arsh, Chloe H, Grace, Haroon, Mariam, Nathan, Roselyn, Zainab S, Zahara, Aaliyah and Shahd had an excellent go at filling in the blanks activity and got most of them if not all of them correct – so well done!

Abdul-Manan, Faizan, Iman and Jake persevered with the matching pairs activity to get them all right and I am so proud of you children for doing that! Also to Amelia F and Amina I for getting them all correct first time – well done!

Ibrahim, Imaad and Khadijah – well done on a great effort circling all the pronouns and underlining the nouns. There were a few tricky ones in there so well done. Zunairah you were particularly fantastic at this activity – showing me you have understood pronouns.

Well done Maisey M (see below) for correctly putting pronouns into sentences and for writing on a slide so neatly with joined up script – this is so hard to do – I find it tricky!!

For those children that had a go at the History lesson well done. It was a really tricky lesson that required you to think about previous learning and for you to give reasons for your answers. 

I really enjoyed reading your responses to the 'Odd One Out' activity. Nathan I like how you justified your answer and Thomas I like how you used historical vocabulary.

Quiz - Well done to: 

Nathan, Roselyn 10/10

Fatima Tariq, Grace Immad, Khadija 9/10

Zahara 8/10

Aliyah, Fatima Hamid, Mariam, Thomas 7/10

Keep up the good work everyone 

Feedback - Tuesday 26th January - FLIC and Maths

Hello children πŸ˜ƒ

I hope you're all doing well and keeping safe 

Another fantastic effort from everyone on NearPod today!

Amazing work on time to climb again. 
Today's top 5 are:

Well done for everyone on the Roman numerals challenge. 
Big shout out to Nathan who created this colourful masterpiece:

I was so impressed with your fill in the blanks multiple work!

Well done to everyone who tried the 2-3 challenge in maths - you all got the correct answer! 
I loved reading Roselyn's explanation of how she worked it out too:

It's great to see you all attempting every activity - the results are amazing!

I'm excited to see the fantastic work you produce tomorrow 😎

Miss. Leech πŸ€“


Tuesday 26th January - Blog post 3

Hi all,

Just another couple of things...

There is also a class worship session for you to do today on Near pod about 'Compassion for the Homeless.'

The code is...


Also, don't forget on Wednesday afternoons, you can go to the Nursery and change your reading books between 1.30 and 3.00pm if you need to.

Have a great day and enjoy maths, GASP and History.

Mrs Johnson πŸ’ͺ😊

Tuesday 26th January - FLIC and Maths

Hello everyone!

I hope you're doing well and keeping safe πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Below is the code to access today's FLIC and Maths lesson:


We are continuing with multi-digit multiplication πŸ†’
Now we are moving onto multiplying two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers, so get your place value charts at the ready!

As always, the lesson includes explanation and example slides, followed by lots of fun activities for you to do.

  • You can listen to the explanation and example slides as many times as you want.
  • There's no time limit so don't rush.
  • Have a go at every activity - you may surprise yourself.

I hope you enjoy this new topic, and if you have any questions we are here to help!

Have a great day!
Miss. Leech πŸ€“

Tuesday 26th January

 Good Morning UKS2,

What a fantastic day we had yesterday with FLIC, maths, VIPERS and RE. I hope you all loved the Oliver Twist extract - it is a very famous scene from the book and film. Also, I hope you enjoyed our 3rd lesson Sikhism. I'm really enjoying learning more about another religion that I previously didn't know much about.

Abdul Ghaffar has sent me a fantastic piece of writing on Victorian Workhouses... Well done!

Zainab R, Nathan and lots of children send me their wonderful work so please feel free to do so and let me know if you're happy for me to share your work. 

Here are some links for today's PE lessons. You can always send us a video if you manage to do them. 

Today's other lessons are GASPS and History and of course FLIC and maths.

I hope you enjoy some revision work on homophones and pronouns and a really interesting lesson on the Victorians.

Here are the codes and let me know if you have any questions ...

History - ZC53W

Have a great day 😊😊😊
Mrs Johnson

Monday, January 25, 2021

Feedback for VIPERS and RE

 Good afternoon children,

Well done to all 39/40 children who have accessed the Near pod lessons so far. We understand some of you have to wait for devices and do your work in the evening so don't worry - I will be checking again in the morning.


What a fantastic lesson from Miss Duffy on an extract from Oliver Twist and some quite challenging questions to answer too. I have to give a special mention firstly to the children who had 100% participation. That means that they completed all of the interactive activities set on the Near pod. Those children are:- Sameeha, Nathan, Mariam, Khadija, Chloe H, Shahd, Kashif, Ayesha and Grace!! Well done for giving us your full efforts from home.

With the matching pairs vocabulary activity - a special mention to Ayesha, Aaliyah, Zahara, Mariam and Fatima T for matching the pairs correctly on the very first time. Fantastic work girls!!

Grace, Maisey M, Zahara, Chloe H, Shahd and Arsh gave some fantastic responses to the inference question which were then pinned to the collaboration board for everyone to see. Well done girls - fantastic impression work.

Nathan, Moeez, Aaliyah and Sameeha did a great job in the 'find and copy' vocabulary question and Shahd, Zahara, Aaliyah, Moeez, Sameeha, Grace, Roselyn, Arsh and Ayesha did a great job with retrieval questions. 

Clearly, we need to do a little more work on explain questions, as you seemed to find this one difficult children. Finally, well done to Ayesha, Chloe, Jake, Kashif, Khadija, Moeez, Navaeh, Nathan, Sameeha and Shahd for correctly saying that 'tender' in that sentence means young. This was tricky as tender can mean gentle or sore. 


I'm hoping you are all enjoying learning about Sikhism as much as I am. There is lots to learn about this religion and lots of similarities to be drawn between the other religions and Sikhism. 

I've been impressed with your work today so well done. Firstly, I have tio acknowledge those children again who have completed 100% of the lesson. Those children were: - Fatima H, Mariam, Chloe H, Grace, Aaliyah, Aimee, Maisey W, Moeez, Nathan, Roselyn, Shahd, Zainab S, Thomas, Zunairah, Muhammad Junaid and Sadia. Thank you children for giving your very best effort to my RE lesson!!

One of the activities was a recap to see if you could remember all of the 5 Ks and the following children matched the correct K to its meaning first time! Fantastic recall of information - Aaliyah, Arsh, Grace, Maisey M, Chloe H, Mariam, Zahara and Zunairah. 

Shahd and Zahara also got 16/16 in fill in the missing blanks - well done girls. In addition the quiz was completed really well with Moeez, Shahd, Aaliyah, Arsh and Nathan getting them all correct and Aimee only getting one wrong.

Finally, the odd one out question was answered really well by Aaliyah, Arsh, Roselyn, Iman, Navaeh, Zunairah, Sadia and Muhammad Junaid. Well done I agreed with you all who said B - the bible. 

Here is Zahara's answer which I thought was fantastic!

Well done to absolutely everyone who accessed the lessons today - we are so proud of you. Remember to try and have a go at all of the activities. 

Have a wonderful evening and we'll catch up tomorrow,

Mrs JohnsonπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜…

Monday 25th January! Happy Monday Everyone 😊

Good Morning UKS2,

Wow what an incredible group of children we have in y5, y5/6 and y6 this year. You are motivated, resilient and simply brilliant! You are amazing us every single day with what you are achieving at home and how you are just getting the job done πŸ‘

Myself and Ms Carney are on home learning this week and I can't wait to follow your progress and see your answers and responses to the lessons we have planned. Miss Duffy is in class and Mrs Entwistle is on home contact with you and your parents this week. Miss Leech (our student teacher) continues to help us with our Maths home learning under the close supervision of all of us in the team, and I'm sure you'll agree she is doing a great job.

We've decided to move on from fractions this week as they are so difficult to teach and explain remotely so we hope you enjoy what we have planned. RE today continues with our topic of Sikhism and the VIPERS reading lesson is based on another Victorian novel - 'Oliver Twist.' If you get chance to watch this film or read the book, please do because it will really help you to envisage that Victorian Period that we are studying. 

I hope you have a brilliant Monday and I'm here to help so just blog and Near pod away!!!

We all miss you so much,

Stay Safe,

Mrs Johnson 😊😊πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

RE Near pod code - YHGL6

VIPERS Near pod code - YFWTD

Monday 25th January - FLIC and Maths

Hello everyone!

I hope you're doing well and keeping safe πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Below is the code to access today's FLIC and Maths lesson:


Today is the first lesson in our new topic: Multi-digit multiplication πŸ†’
We are starting with multiplying four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, so get your place value charts at the ready!

As always, the lesson includes explanation and example slides, followed by lots of fun activities for you to do.

  • You can listen to the explanation and example slides as many times as you want.
  • There's no time limit so don't rush.
  • Have a go at every activity - you may surprise yourself.

I hope you enjoy this new topic, and if you have any questions we are here to help!

Have a great day!
Miss. Leech πŸ€“

Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday Feedback

Happy Friday everyone!

🀩What an amazing week you have all had 🀩

What a fantastic response to the music lesson! You all did amazing with the matching pairs activity, and your opinions on whether or not you liked the music were great. 

We especially enjoyed reading what Maisy Mills wrote:

Well done to Amelia and Chloe for getting 8 out of 8 in the spelling quiz πŸ₯³

What fantastic mood boards Zahara and Abdul G created in art!

Finally, amazing work on the final maths lesson of the week. Everyone did a fab job in naming the properties of the 3d shapes.

A big shout out to Aidan and Roselyn for getting full marks on the times-table test!

Fab work from Mark in his times-table test!

You've all be superstars this week and worked extremely hard. High fives all round ✋🏽

Have a great weekend and we can't wait to see what amazing work you produce next week!

The KS2 team 😎

Friday 22nd January - FLIC

Hello everyone 😎

I hope you're all doing well and keeping safe.

I'm sharing with you the code for today's FLIC lesson.


It is a little different today as you are only doing FLIC, but there is a nice surprise activity at the end of the lesson (get your times tables hats on πŸŽ“)

🌟 You've all been such superstars this week - you should all be very proud of yourselves 🌟

That's all from me this week. Have a great weekend and I can't wait to catch up with you next week.

Miss. Leech πŸ€“

Thursday, January 21, 2021

That Friday Feeling...


You have worked so hard this week!

Enjoy your Friday lessons and then take a well deserved break (parents included).

Here are the codes for today...

UV4IJ = Music
HYXAB = Maths
DW39S = Spellings

Thursday Feedback


Hello everyone!

What a wonderful week of learning you are having. 

Mrs Johnson and Ms Carney are teaching the key worker and vulnerable children group this week and says they are having a great week!

Miss Duffy is on home contact and has been having lots of lovely, supportive chats with your parents. She is thrilled with your progress and hard work.

I am popping all your lessons online this week which means i get to sneak a peek at all you answered questions on the nearpods. I have been so impressed. Make sure you try and answer all the questions as that gives you a higher score on the nearpod report.

Have a look below at all the fab work that has been going on today:

Ibraheem's home learning

Amazing Art work from Chloe!

Amazing art work Nathan! 

Finally, your maths feedback for today. Super impressive that everyone can name the properties of the 3D shapes! Even more impressive is your unit fraction work πŸŽ‰ Well done on completing the activities and even attempting the harder challenge! You really all are fraction whizzes now 😎

Keep up the amazing work! 

Start (8.30am)and Finish Time

 Just a quick reminder the Upper Key Stage 2 Bubble (Y5, Y5.6 and Y6) will start school at 8.30am and finish at 3.00pm. See you then