Monday, January 25, 2021

Feedback for VIPERS and RE

 Good afternoon children,

Well done to all 39/40 children who have accessed the Near pod lessons so far. We understand some of you have to wait for devices and do your work in the evening so don't worry - I will be checking again in the morning.


What a fantastic lesson from Miss Duffy on an extract from Oliver Twist and some quite challenging questions to answer too. I have to give a special mention firstly to the children who had 100% participation. That means that they completed all of the interactive activities set on the Near pod. Those children are:- Sameeha, Nathan, Mariam, Khadija, Chloe H, Shahd, Kashif, Ayesha and Grace!! Well done for giving us your full efforts from home.

With the matching pairs vocabulary activity - a special mention to Ayesha, Aaliyah, Zahara, Mariam and Fatima T for matching the pairs correctly on the very first time. Fantastic work girls!!

Grace, Maisey M, Zahara, Chloe H, Shahd and Arsh gave some fantastic responses to the inference question which were then pinned to the collaboration board for everyone to see. Well done girls - fantastic impression work.

Nathan, Moeez, Aaliyah and Sameeha did a great job in the 'find and copy' vocabulary question and Shahd, Zahara, Aaliyah, Moeez, Sameeha, Grace, Roselyn, Arsh and Ayesha did a great job with retrieval questions. 

Clearly, we need to do a little more work on explain questions, as you seemed to find this one difficult children. Finally, well done to Ayesha, Chloe, Jake, Kashif, Khadija, Moeez, Navaeh, Nathan, Sameeha and Shahd for correctly saying that 'tender' in that sentence means young. This was tricky as tender can mean gentle or sore. 


I'm hoping you are all enjoying learning about Sikhism as much as I am. There is lots to learn about this religion and lots of similarities to be drawn between the other religions and Sikhism. 

I've been impressed with your work today so well done. Firstly, I have tio acknowledge those children again who have completed 100% of the lesson. Those children were: - Fatima H, Mariam, Chloe H, Grace, Aaliyah, Aimee, Maisey W, Moeez, Nathan, Roselyn, Shahd, Zainab S, Thomas, Zunairah, Muhammad Junaid and Sadia. Thank you children for giving your very best effort to my RE lesson!!

One of the activities was a recap to see if you could remember all of the 5 Ks and the following children matched the correct K to its meaning first time! Fantastic recall of information - Aaliyah, Arsh, Grace, Maisey M, Chloe H, Mariam, Zahara and Zunairah. 

Shahd and Zahara also got 16/16 in fill in the missing blanks - well done girls. In addition the quiz was completed really well with Moeez, Shahd, Aaliyah, Arsh and Nathan getting them all correct and Aimee only getting one wrong.

Finally, the odd one out question was answered really well by Aaliyah, Arsh, Roselyn, Iman, Navaeh, Zunairah, Sadia and Muhammad Junaid. Well done I agreed with you all who said B - the bible. 

Here is Zahara's answer which I thought was fantastic!

Well done to absolutely everyone who accessed the lessons today - we are so proud of you. Remember to try and have a go at all of the activities. 

Have a wonderful evening and we'll catch up tomorrow,

Mrs Johnson😎😅


  1. Miss I wrote tender was young why didn't I get an shoutout? ��

  2. I'm sorry Muhammad Junaid - I must have missed your response to this question. You did get a shout out for other questions. Apologies


Start (8.30am)and Finish Time

 Just a quick reminder the Upper Key Stage 2 Bubble (Y5, Y5.6 and Y6) will start school at 8.30am and finish at 3.00pm. See you then