Monday, January 25, 2021

Monday 25th January! Happy Monday Everyone 😊

Good Morning UKS2,

Wow what an incredible group of children we have in y5, y5/6 and y6 this year. You are motivated, resilient and simply brilliant! You are amazing us every single day with what you are achieving at home and how you are just getting the job done 👍

Myself and Ms Carney are on home learning this week and I can't wait to follow your progress and see your answers and responses to the lessons we have planned. Miss Duffy is in class and Mrs Entwistle is on home contact with you and your parents this week. Miss Leech (our student teacher) continues to help us with our Maths home learning under the close supervision of all of us in the team, and I'm sure you'll agree she is doing a great job.

We've decided to move on from fractions this week as they are so difficult to teach and explain remotely so we hope you enjoy what we have planned. RE today continues with our topic of Sikhism and the VIPERS reading lesson is based on another Victorian novel - 'Oliver Twist.' If you get chance to watch this film or read the book, please do because it will really help you to envisage that Victorian Period that we are studying. 

I hope you have a brilliant Monday and I'm here to help so just blog and Near pod away!!!

We all miss you so much,

Stay Safe,

Mrs Johnson 😊😊💪💪

RE Near pod code - YHGL6

VIPERS Near pod code - YFWTD


  1. I have done the nearpod

    1. Well done Aqib! First to let me know this morning. I will have a look through your work. Hope you enjoyed it all.
      Have a good day!

  2. Hey Miss In Vipers I loved seeing everyone elses posts pop up I liked them all mine was the one when I said he was dramatic and a stern man. I have now done my work.

    1. Hi Grace,
      Hope you're ok? I know - I loved the collaboration board too. It looks like a pin board. I saw your answer and really liked it. Stern is a great word to use and I get that impression too.
      Also, well done in RE - you got 5/5 in the matching pairs activity first time. Well done for remembering all the 5Ks so well.

  3. Replies
    1. Well done Faizan! I will have a look at your work on Near pod now. Which lesson have you enjoyed the most today and why???

  4. I've done my work Miss.

    1. Well done Nathan! I was impressed with your 100% participation in RE and you only got 1 question wrong in the quiz!! Keep up the good work Nathan - you are doing an amazing job!!

  5. Hi miss
    I have done the near pod.


Start (8.30am)and Finish Time

 Just a quick reminder the Upper Key Stage 2 Bubble (Y5, Y5.6 and Y6) will start school at 8.30am and finish at 3.00pm. See you then