Friday, January 29, 2021

Spelling, Handwriting and Music

 Spelling and Handwriting - BED9F

Music - A5ZB9

Friday is here and as ever we are doing some spelling and handwriting, ensuring all those skills that we have developed over our time at school stay strong, ready for your return...

Any examples of handwriting can be emailed to your class teacher and I will share them on our blog.

We also have some beautiful classical music to listen to...enjoy the music and be transported to another place (even if it is a cold one). Have a go at comparing the two pieces of classical music we have listened to over the past 2 weeks. I look forward to receiving your thoughts.

Here are the links in case they don't work in the Nearpod presentations.

Spelling - Homophones 



Enjoy your weekend and we will be in touch again next week.

Take care everyone.


  1. A nice early start for you have a little break for yourself. You've been working really hard.

  2. Hi Miss
    I have done the nearpod.


Start (8.30am)and Finish Time

 Just a quick reminder the Upper Key Stage 2 Bubble (Y5, Y5.6 and Y6) will start school at 8.30am and finish at 3.00pm. See you then