Here is a little feedback post so far for today!
Starting with FLIC and Maths, you all did a fantastic job today! Well done for everyone who identified the correct prime numbers on the slide. Here are some examples of those who did:
Well done Aqib, Ayaan Mirza and Fatima Tariq, as well as everybody who got these correct!
For the Roman numerals matching pairs, a huge well done to the following children so far who got all 7 correct on their first try:
Aaliyah, Amelia, Arsh, Ayaan Mirza, Chloe, Conor, Fatima T, Ibraheem, Kasey, Khadija, Maisey Mills, Moeez, Nathan, Noore, Roselyn, Sadia, Suleman, Thomas and Zahara.
Everyone did an amazing job in the fill in the blanks activity, but a HUGE well done has to be said to Aqib, Arsh, Ayesha A, Ibraheem, Khadija, Laaibah Khan, Shahd, Suleman, Thomas and Zahara. You all got 3/3 on ALL 3 fill in the blanks activities! Amazing work!
Following on from the FLIC fill in the blanks, there were some children that even got both fill in the blanks in the maths lesson too:
Aaliyah, Ayesha, Chloe, Conor, Ethan, Faizan A, Fatima Hamid, Fatima Tariq, Grace, Kasey, Khadija, Mariam, Moeez, Muhammad Junaid, Nathan, Noore, Sameeha, Shahd, Suleman, Zahara and Zainab Rizwan!
Additionally, fabulous work on the 2-3 challenge collaborative board...
In English, I have absolutely loved reading your poems. Here is Lucas from the UKS2 bubble reading his amazing poem:
Here are some other fantastic poems I received from Chloe, Grace, Maisey Mills, Nathan and Shahd:
I also loved some of your planning work and when you were thinking about the negatives and positives of lockdown. Well done Aaliyah, Ibraheem, Moeez and Suleman.
Then on top of all this incredible work, I have received some AMAZING RE work from Aqib, Chloe, Khadija, Nathan and Zainab S:
Stunning work today children! Please keep this up!
Miss Duffy 🌺